STEEL, Series A
PFERD offers a very extensive range of vitrified-bonded and resinoid-bonded mounted points and other grinding tools. Designed to meet individual grinding application needs,these products come in a broad range of grain types, grit sizes, hardness grades and shapes. The Mounted Points are manufactured on automated, state-of-the-art production lines to high standards of dimensional accuracy and stability, consistent quality and close tolerances. The STEEL type is the most universal bond for machining steel and cast steel. It is extremely well-suited for grinding high-speed steel (HSS) moulded parts, and weld dressing on steel constructions.
Series A mounted points are generally used on larger components. Due to the special shapes of series A mounted points, it is possible to grind in a variety of contours. The applications range from grinding out slits and grooves in hard-to-reach areas to machining bores and small holes as well as smoothing.
Materials that can be worked:
- Steel
- Cast steel
- Grouting
- Grinding out
- Weld dressing
- Deburring
- Surface work
- Work on edges (chamfering, rounding)
- Work on edges
- Fine finishing
Drive types:
- Flexible shaft drive
- Straight grinder
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