CS Unitec
CS Unitec Handheld Concrete Scabblers offer the surety and potential to quickly and cautiously remove high spots in concrete floors. These power tools include the hand scabblers and wall scabblers which are used for roughening prior to application of product like coating, recoating, and finishing. They are best suited to tasks in smaller areas as they tend to have a smaller operating area. CS Unitec handheld concrete scabbling machines are reasonably priced as well as available in double and triple head handheld scabbling machines versions. The CS Unitec tools are compact machines that significantly increase the speed when covering a larger space and provide a versatile solution that is especially useful in compact and difficult areas. The use of Hand-Held Scabblers allows the removal of laitance, coatings and exposed aggregate to enable for proper application of new materials such as textured finishes and waterproofing coatings. Scabblers are suitable for more challenging scabbling applications such as the removal of steel scale deposits and the preparation of concrete cracks for repair. When it comes to resurfacing concrete, the underlying material must be properly prepared in order for overlays or coatings to adhere properly. CS Unitec Hand-Held Concrete Scabblers are composed of high-quality, vigorous materials and powertrain components to better develop the roughening of concrete surfaces encountered in many industries.
Looking for more information about the CS Unitec Scabblers? Click here to view the Catalog
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CS Unitec
CS Unitec
CS Unitec
CS Unitec
CS Unitec
CS Unitec
CS Unitec
CS Unitec
CS Unitec
CS Unitec